On Sunday, the first ever cohort of Year 9 students were introduced to the new Yuulong residential campus. As students disembarked the bus and made their way onto the campus grounds, they gasped and cheered upon looking at their new home for the next eight weeks.

For Heads of Yuulong, Roger Bade and Maxine Duffield, this moment was surreal.
“It’s been so exciting to finally share this beautiful campus with our students and see them bring it to life,” said Ms Duffield. “What an amazing opportunity to explore the region, develop new skills and tackle new challenges.”
On the way to Yuulong students began exploring the region, stopping at the Loch Ard Gorge and Tom and Eva Lookout where they were introduced to their mentors.
“It was a great way to begin our adventure,” said Mr Bade. “But, of course, the most exciting place to be is at the Yuulong campus.”

After settling into their rooms and making themselves acquainted with their new roommates, students were taken on a tour of the campus by their mentors. They then explored the grand common area where they will learn to cook and enjoy spending time with one another.
The afternoon included a social contract session, during which students shared the important aspects of what they think makes a great community. These included being kind to one another, sharing, looking out for each other and many more. It was delightful to see all of the students speaking passionately about the kind of culture they’d like to foster within their term group.

In the evening, students enjoyed a barbeque dinner before travelling to Melba Gully, where they attended a Welcome to Country performed by Richard Collapy of the Gadubanud people.
We look forward to following our first group of Yuulong students through their eight-week journey and watching them enjoy our brand new campus.