Daily life in the boarding house

Just as at home, daily routine is a big part of being a boarder at Clarendon. We believe this structure helps our boarders gain important life skills such as organisation, collaboration and leadership. Below is an outline of a typical weekday of our boarding students.

Morning routine

7-7.15am Wake up
7.15-8am Breakfast in Cafe@College
8-8.20am Room inspections
8.20am All students out of boarding house and signed out to school

Afternoon routine

Years 7-9 Years 10-12
3.20pm Boarding house reopens. Sign in with Mentor-on-Duty. Afternoon tea available in Café@College
3.20-5.30pm Personal time – sport, music commitments, free time, study in house or library. Street leave as per rules for the year level via Orah.
5.30pm All boarders to have returned to boarding house
5.40-6.40pm First Prep – Senior School Centre
5.40-7pm First Prep - Senior School Centre

Evening routine

Years 7-8 Year 9 Year 10 Years 11-12
Dinner in Cafe@College 6.45-7.05pm 6.45-7.05pm 7.05-7.45pm 7.05-7.45pm
Second Prep in own rooms 7.05-7.45pm 8-8.30pm 8-8.45pm
Personal time/showers 7.30-8.30pm 8.30-9.30pm 9-10pm
Phone and devices to Mentor-on-Duty 8.45pm 9.15pm 9.45pm 10.15pm
Lights out 9pm 9.30pm 10pm 10.30pm