160 years of Ballarat College

160 years of Ballarat College

Historical timeline

This year we celebrate 160 years since the establishment of Ballarat College and the Ballarat Clarendon College community shares a sense of pride in acknowledging this significant milestone.

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160 years of Ballarat College

College life in the 1960s

Have you ever wondered what college life was like in the 1960s? How different was it compared to today? Join us as we explore the past and uncover the rich history of Ballarat College.

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160 years of Ballarat College


Celebrate the sporting achievements of Ballarat College over the past 160 years! From the triumph of the cricket team in 1893 to the many football and rowing achievements thereafter, our sporting successes are the result of our students’ dedication and teamwork. As we mark this milestone, we honour the inclusivity, resilience and sportsmanship of our students.

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160 years of Ballarat College


Explore the legacy of cadet training at Ballarat College, shaping leaders since 1900. From mandatory drills to optional community service, discover how this tradition fostered discipline, readiness and community spirit. Although the cadet program ended in 1973, the values of leadership and community service continue to inspire students.

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160 years of Ballarat College


Celebrating 160 years of leadership of Ballarat College. Since the beginning, Prefects have set examples for their peers. Today, School Captains continue this legacy, promoting inclusivity and student wellbeing. They organise activities, assemblies and inspire peers with their commitment to leadership and their community.

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