This week saw the return of six Old Collegians as a part the Clarendon Connection Network Forums. Old Collegians Laura Hartmann (2002), James Remington (2004) and Cassie East (2018) presented on their experiences in law and, Old Collegians Kim Kyatt (1986), Chris Clemens (2001) and Elyssia Bourke (2007) spoke about their work in the health industry.
In 2020, the Clarendon Connection Network was established to connect students with a network of people in chosen professions and industries to help them pursue their heart’s desire. This term, over 20 presentations were scheduled to provide students an opportunity to meet with Old Collegians and friends of Clarendon who attended different universities and colleges. Included in these were the Law and Health Forums.
Old Collegian, Cassie East (2018), is currently working as a Legal Clerk for Nevetts Lawyers while studying a Bachelor of Law and Arts at Monash University. During the Law Forum, Cassie was able to provide invaluable insights into her experiences both at university and in the workforce.
“The Clarendon Connection Network Forums are a fantastic way to create a sense of community and inspire students as they’re looking towards their next career steps,” said Cassie. “When I was at Clarendon, I remember being amazed by Old Collegians who returned to speak about their careers. It made those occupations or industries feel more realistic and approachable as a student, which is really important.”
During the forum discussion, Cassie spoke about the importance of obtaining real-world experience in the students’ areas of interest, how her pathway into law differed to the one she had envisaged at school and the importance of building connections in chosen industries, particularly with Old Collegians.
“My connection with Old Collegian, James Remington, has resulted in an opportunity to gain invaluable work experience in the legal profession,” said Cassie. “I think that in being an Old Collegian, current students are less intimidated knowing that we were once in their shoes. As a result, the discussions we had during the Forum felt genuine, practical and authentic.”
Clarendon are indebted to the generosity of our Old Collegians who volunteer their time to help our students see beyond their time at school. These forums allow students to obtain a wholistic picture of what working in their chosen field might actually look like.
If you are interested in joining the Clarendon Connection Network, please contact Tony Lockyer at